Make The World Better Magazine

Sage Initiative: Supporting Indigenous Womxn Investors

Wealth has long been weaponized, creating divisions based on social class and excluding Indigenous Peoples from having a seat at the table. To shift the narrative and usher in true economic reconciliation, money needs to be used as medicine and matrilineal ways need to be restored. 

We spoke with Sage Lacerte, Founder & CEO of Sage Initiative, about how this collective is accelerating the rematriation of the Indigenous economy by supporting Indigenous womxn in the impact investment space.

What was the “spark” that first inspired you to start Sage Initiative?

As my mentor, Carol Anne Hilton, CEO and Founder of The Indigenomics Institute, says, “We are living in a time of Indigenous economic resurgence.” Sage Initiative was founded in 2019 and was an expression of love for all my relations, for Mother Earth, humans, and non-human beings. 

The “spark” that first inspired me to start Sage Initiative was when I learned more about how rich our Indigenous economy is and the realization that we are currently witnessing a generational shift in action and mindset toward a resurgence of Indigenous concepts of commerce. 

I asked, how can the impact investment sector contribute to the betterment of Indigenous communities in Canada? How can more Indigenous womxn take a seat at the economic table? How can impact investors participate in economic reconciliation and make values-aligned investments in Indigenous women and Two-Spirit–owned businesses?

Despite the growth in impact investing in Canada, Indigenous communities and businesses have stated that access to capital remains a significant impediment. Attracting patient capital for Indigenous-led businesses requires work on both sides: investors must familiarize themselves with potentially new business models, and entrepreneurs must be able to build their network, be willing to build partnerships, and showcase their work.

In our matrilineal societies, the matriarchs decide what the needs are of the community. So, by becoming investors, we are healing. That’s very central to the work of decolonizing, and it’s very central to the way that Indigenous commerce systems have worked for a very long time.

We want to shift the narrative because the systems of capitalism use wealth as a tool to divide people based on social class, and that system was not built with Indigenous people in mind. We are restoring our balance within ourselves and with the land. We are decolonizing wealth and restoring money as medicine.

This innovation brings an Indigenous approach to wealth. Circular in nature, our interwoven pedagogy introduces technical investing skills and practices with a balanced approach to investment that equally values social, environmental, and economic benefits. This is my chosen mechanism to promote intergenerational wealth and prosperity. 

What do you consider to be your biggest success? Can you share any stories of the impact your work has had that have surprised you?

Sage Initiative was chosen as one of the first selected projects of the highly innovative program, the Indigenous Innovation Initiative.

One of the largest impact-first investors in Canada, Grand Challenges Canada (GCC) has supported a pipeline of over 1,300 innovations in 106 countries. The Indigenous Innovation Initiative (I3) is the first GCC program delivered in Canada with a focus on innovations led by Indigenous womxn innovators. The 10 selected projects have created impact across diverse areas, such as pre- and post-natal health, sustainable beauty, human sex trafficking and sex exploitation, and food sovereignty and sustainability. 

As a result of this support, Sage Initiative has set the precedent for Indigenous womxn in impact investment globally.

This year, Sage Initiative will host our third cohort of 15 Indigenous womxn impact investors and begin our journey transitioning to scale across Canada.

Our great successes this year have been hosting our first Sage Initiative Harvest Ceremony in Victoria, British Columbia, where members of cohorts 1 and 2 gathered for a week of ceremony and reflection to provide meaningful evaluation for the Initiative.

We also hosted two pitch events featuring Indigenous womxn–owned businesses from across Canada, including Chelsee Pettit from ᐋᓃᓐ aaniin retail inc., ENB Artisan, and The Yukon Soaps Company.

We have graduated two cohorts of Indigenous womxn impact investors from Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Tofino, Squamish, Edmonton, Burns Lake, Nanaimo, Halifax, and many more.

In our evaluation, investors have reported: 

  • Sage Initiative has allowed me to think much further into my future with more intention and critical thinking. I’ve adopted an intergenerational mindset when it comes to money, whether that ends up being my own children and grandchildren, or simply youth as a whole that deserve this knowledge and to be continuously uplifted.” – Sage Initiative participant 
  • “It’s transferred to other aspects of my life — when I stopped getting dopamine fixes from online shopping, I’ve traded it for kickboxing routines three times per day. I see my health as an investment now.” – Sage Initiative participant 
  • “As a result of Sage Initiative, I have given myself permission to spend without feeling guilty or anxious.” – Sage Initiative participant 
  • “My views have been completely altered since I myself have become an investor after being a part of Sage Initiative. I now see potential in everyone to be an investor especially the people and Indigenous people that will do good and be inclusive with their investments.”– Year 2 participant
  • “I feel worthy of money now. Money always felt unattainable. I never thought it would come into fruition for me.” – Year 1 participant 
  • “I met investors who had a good heart and were just everyday people, not necessarily working in a bank. Investors can be my aunties, my cousins, my family.”– Year 1 participant

We have also found that:

  • 100% of Sage Initiative participants feel ready to make an investment. 
  • 100% of Sage Initiative participants have made an investment since joining the collective. 
  • 80% feel they could now be a successful social impact investor. 
  • Not only did our program create the trauma-informed safety conditions to create belonging for participants, 95% of Sage participants said they felt belonging in the Indigenous Impact Investor community.

How do you feel having a platform and community help to make the world better?

Sage focuses on Indigenous-owned sustainable energy projects, underscoring the urgent need to address environmental concerns alongside social impact.

Financial capital alone is insufficient. We emphasize the importance of social capital, community connections, gift economy, and entrepreneurial mindset. We facilitate access to financial resources, networks, and mentorship. The Initiative aims to empower Indigenous women and non-binary individuals to feel a sense of belonging in the impact investment landscape. We work to transcend the current investment paradigm which privileges androcentric and extractivist worldviews.

Creating a seat at the economic table for Indigenous women, two-spirit, non-binary folks is deeply important to me. The purchasing power of the queer community is significant. The entire venture capital industry is led by white cisgender males, and because of that there is an implicit bias. 2SLGBTQIA+ founders are routinely overlooked and undervalued. Many members of the queer community relate to each other with feelings of longing to belong and feeling out of place in heteronormative environments. Not only are we looking to support Indigenous founders, but building on this demographic, it is important to define a 2SLGBTQIA+ lens in our impact investment thesis.

Roughly 2 million people in Canada identify as 2SLGBTQIA+, collectively spending $90 billion per year. I want to role model what it looks like for a queer Indigenous woman to stand at the forefront of innovation in the Indigenous impact investment landscape.

What are some of the challenges you typically face in building out your audience?

My personal journey and academic background in gender policy shaped the design of Sage Initiative. Instead of perpetuating the Western-centric approach prevalent in mainstream finance education, I recognized the importance of honouring Indigenous epistemology and creating a curriculum rooted in Indigenous concepts of commerce.

I did not want anyone in the industry to assume that Indigenous womxn’s success is due to our gender but rather our skills and competence.

I have also faced racism. Economic reconciliation will look like white people being comfortable with Indigenous people’s wealth.

Are there any upcoming initiatives or projects you’d like to share?

Sage Initiative is planning to launch our third impact investment cohort of 15 Indigenous womxn impact investors in September 2024. We plan to transition to scale in 2024 as well, with cohorts across Canada widely available to Indigenous and non-Indigenous folks!

How can people help support your mission?

We invite Indigenous womxn to apply to Sage Initiative.

If you would like to lend your expertise and lived experience, join Sage Initiative`s national network as a mentor.

We also encourage you to buy Indigiqueer-owned products and services, educate yourself on colonization and how to engage in reconciliation, and create space at the economic table for equity-deserving communities.

This story was featured in the Make The World Better Magazine:

Make The World Better Magazine

RIPPLE of CHANGE: Sharing Stories to Create Waves of Impact

Every one of us has the power to make a positive change in the world and inspire others to do the same. Sharing the work changemakers are doing with like-minded audiences creates a powerful ripple effect that can spread across the world.

We spoke with Whitney Larson, Creative Director of RIPPLE of CHANGE, about how this purpose-driven magazine uplifts changemakers by amplifying their inspiring stories.

Pictured here are the five original co-founders of ROC. (Clockwise from top: Christy Schmid, Mel Sutjiadi, Cicely Belle Blain, Whitney Larson, and Kate Bouchard)

What was the “spark” that inspired you to start producing RIPPLE of CHANGE?

In 2018, I travelled to India with Christy Schmid, another founding partner of the RIPPLE of CHANGE (ROC) team, to work with the Milaan Foundation. We were there to document stories of girls who are fighting to change the education system — quite literally the embodiment of “ripple of change.” These girls are given resources from the Milaan Foundation to go out into their communities and form a group of 20–25 other girls who also want a continued education past the age that their society typically allows. We saw the confidence and strength of these girls and started talking about how we could share their stories and similar stories of changemakers with a larger audience. 

As a creative duo — a designer and a photographer — we often found ourselves asking the question, “How can we take our talents and use them to make the world better?” We realized that we could use our creativity and influence to share stories like that of Kushboo and Rajkumari, two girls from rural Uttar Pradesh who transformed their own community through education and empowerment. RIPPLE of CHANGE was born to highlight this story, and hundreds of others, in a way that will inspire and engage a global audience of volunteers, activists, and changemakers. And ultimately, encourage them to join in.

What do you consider to be your biggest success?

The story of our launch. In 2020, when everything felt dark and overwhelming, Christy and I, along with three other founders, were committed to telling stories of hope and change. As the struggle, pain, and inequity of our collective experience surfaced, we came together, built the brand, and produced and launched the first issue of ROC in under six months.

We chose grounded optimism to offer clear, tangible suggestions for how to take action. I’m proud that our perspective on how to mobilize change was able to connect others in ways we never had before.

Can you share any stories of the impact your work has had that have surprised you?

Before ROC was born, while Christy and I were in India, we spent our first full day with an incredible girl named Rajkumari. She showed us around her village and told us stories about the challenges she overcame to pursue an education. She opened her heart to us and told us about the people who lifted her up and those who tried to stand in her way. At the end of the day, we stood on the roof of her house, taking her picture as the sun went down. She turned to us and said, “Thank you — you made me feel like Superman today.”

It was such a beautiful moment and has become a kind of internal bar, amplifying people and stories like hers to create that positive ripple effect of goodwill, support, and encouragement.

Since then, we feel it when hearing people talk about what they learned from our articles or seeing the excitement on someone’s face when we discuss how we can tell their story to inspire others. We have that excitement on our internal team, but it’s so encouraging to have it reinforced by the responses and actions of others.

How do you feel having a platform and community help to make the world better?

Hopeful. And proud of all the people who have opened their hearts, arms, and minds to the ideas.

We often talk about the power of small conversations. We encourage people to speak up and ask questions, even if they’re talking to an audience of one, because you never know how far that conversation will travel. There’s no telling how your ideas and perspective might open the mind of someone who was closed off to change in the past. 

One of ROC’s favourite steps in the production process is hanging the pages on the wall and reviewing the book from a bird’s eye lens. Here, their Chicago mascot Hass, is giving it a final review.

What are some of the challenges you typically face in creating content or building out your audience?

Fear and anger can be conversation stoppers. We’ve worked hard to build a platform that encourages inclusivity. That is why the foundation of each of our stories is a personal or lived experience.

Even if you don’t understand the entire experience, you can usually relate to a person on some level and that starts to open hearts and minds. We hope readers approach our stories and content with a sense of curiosity and willingness to engage with a perspective other than their own.

Are there any upcoming initiatives or projects you’d like to share?

We have a few projects in the idea-building phase and will be sharing more in our newsletter soon. We’re looking at how we can engage individuals but also offer opportunities for companies to inspire their staff and act on their goals for social change. We’re thrilled to have three new partners on the team, Bob Roth, Jimmy Watkins, and Kara McPherson, and are working on a mix of digital and in-person events and community-builders, including an Issue 04 launch party!

How can people help support your mission?

Join our email newsletter and jump into conversations on our social platforms. We believe change happens when people with different experiences and viewpoints are willing to share and speak honestly with each other. Small, constructive conversations lead to empathy and positive movement all across the world.

This story was featured in the Make The World Better Magazine:

Events Impact Inspiration & Initiatives

20+ Purpose-Driven Events to Attend in January – March, 2024

Is making the world better one of your New Year’s resolutions? Look no further! There are purpose-driven conferences for every cause that matters to you, including advancing the circular economy, supporting underrepresented communities, championing DEI, advocating for accessibility, and more. 

We’ve tracked down over 20 learning, collaboration, and networking opportunities taking place both online and in-person, in Canada and globally, in the first three months of 2024, so you can start planning an impactful year.

Keep scrolling to learn all about purpose-driven events taking place this January, February, and March.


Having Difficult Conversations

Date: January 11, 2024, from 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM PST

Location: Online

Description: This workshop helps individuals with disabilities and their families learn how to navigate conflict and difficult conversations.

Masterclass: Creating Accessible Spaces with Debbie Patterson

Date: January 13, 2024, from 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM PST

Location: Online

Description: At this masterclass, participants will join Winnipeg playwright Debbie Patterson as she explores how to create accessible spaces for artists and audiences with disabilities. 

Connect and Caffeinate: Writing the CFRE

Date: January 18, 2024, from 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM EST

Location: Williams Fresh Cafe, Niagara Falls, Ontario

Description: Join the Niagara Fundraisers Network (NFN) for discussions about fundraising and pursuing Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification over cups of coffee.

JEDDI Seminar: The Geography of Inequality

Date: January 19, 2024, from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PST

Location: Online

Description: Learn how geographic place, labour markets, and public policy influence households’ economic lives and inequality at this JEDDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Decolonization, and Inclusion) seminar.

Tasting Climate Change / Goûter aux Changements Climatiques 2024

Date: January 23 – 24, 2024

Location: Marché Bonsecours, Montréal, Québec

Description: This conference gathers together international experts to explore sustainability and sustainable production solutions in the wine industry through panel discussions, networking, and wine-tasting sessions.

Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Conference 2024

Date: January 23 – 25, 2024

Location: Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Ontario

Description: Discover ways to contribute to improving the lives of Indigenous children and families at this conference. Connect with professionals, community leaders, and individuals passionate about supporting Indigenous communities; explore culturally responsive practices, holistic approaches to well-being, and community engagement strategies; and participate in interactive workshops, networking, and knowledge sharing.

Understanding Disability: Community Resources

Date: January 25, 2024, from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM PST

Location: Online

Description: This workshop will help caregivers and professionals supporting individuals with disabilities prepare for adulthood and seniorhood and access what they need to live a good life.

CrossRoads 2024 — Alberta’s Crop Conference

Date: January 29 – 31, 2024

Location: The Westin Calgary Airport, Calgary, Alberta 

Description: Convened by the FarmTech Foundation of Alberta, this agriculture event explores the theme “New ideas and directions – examining big picture innovation in agriculture” at the intersection of people and ideas. Join discussions around agricultural sustainability, policy, markets, innovations, and farm management while enjoying a daily full breakfast and fun networking socials.


JEDDI Seminar: Non-Standard Work

Date: February 2, 2024, from 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM PST

Location: Online and In-Person at UBC Sauder School of Business, Vancouver, British Columbia

Description: Discover how individuals adapt to contingent work arrangements and the true organizational costs of hiring different types of contingent workers at this JEDDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Decolonization, and Inclusion) seminar.

15th Annual Black History Month Gala

Date: February 3, 2024

Location: SteelWorkers’ Union Hall & Conference Centre, Sudbury, Ontario

Description: Join the Afro-Heritage Association of Sudbury (AHA) for a Black History Month celebration centred around the theme, “Empowering Change Through Dedicated Service.” Enjoy a special keynote, business showcases, exhibitions, and performances while celebrating  Afro-Caribbean culture and building a deeper sense of community.

CityAge Vancouver: Urban Zero Challenge

Date: February 6, 2024, from 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM PST

Location: Fairmont Waterfront, Vancouver, British Columbia

Description: Rise to CityAge Vancouver’s Urban Zero Challenge at this event, which will explore key themes around reducing environmental impacts, including decarbonizing cities, zero-emission transportation, zero-emission buildings, a new approach to urban development, and connecting Cascadia, along with the technologies and tools needed to meet this challenge head-on.

Women of Influence Nanaimo (WIN) Awards

Date: February 7, 2024, from 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM PST

Location: Vancouver Island Conference Centre, Nanaimo, British Columbia

Description: Celebrate the accomplishments of women, non-binary, two-spirit, and gender-diverse role models in the Nanaimo community at this purpose-driven awards ceremony.

1st Global Conference on Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestries & Food (GCAFFF)

Date: February 9 – 11, 2024

Location: The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia

Description: Meet with professionals, policymakers, sector leaders, and relevant participants in the agriculture, fisheries, forestries, and food industries for an interdisciplinary conference focused on sustainable methodologies, economically feasible and environmentally responsible strategies, societal considerations, and the effects of climate variability, all with the purpose of stimulating transformative change.

1st Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability

Date: February 9 – 11, 2024

Location: The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia

Description: Get ready for a deep dive into renewable energy technologies and environmental conservation at this conference, which aims to bring together global leaders, experts, and policymakers to address global issues such as climate change, energy security, and equitable access to resources, and to collaborate toward actionable solutions.

Protecting Human Rights in AI: Integration in Risk-Based Governance

Date: February 14, 2024

Location: Mila – Institut québécois d’intelligence artificielle, Montréal, Québec

Description: This conference seeks to advance the critical efforts needed to incorporate human rights into AI governance. Experts will speak on several relevant topics, including human rights impact assessments, tools for risk measurement, and how to ensure accountability. 

Starting Courageous Conversations

Date: February 16, 2024, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM AST

Location: IGNITE Atlantic Auditorium, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia

Description: At this workshop, folks in Pictou County will learn about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; unconscious bias and language changes; and how to build and foster inclusive and welcoming communities.

Networking Brunch / Déjeuner-causerie – “Celebrating Black Excellence”

Date: February 17, 2024, from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM EST

Location: Plaza Centre-Ville, Montréal, Québec

Description: Celebrate Black History Month at this networking event, which seeks to inspire entrepreneurs and provide them with valuable insights to help them succeed. Plus, enjoy a recognition ceremony that will highlight the achievements of successful members of the Montréal Black community.

International Conference On Women Startups

Date: February 27 – 29, 2024

Location: 91 Granton Drive, Richmond Hill, Ontario

Description: This conference demonstrates why women are needed to develop the economy, discusses the benefits of women innovators and diverse entrepreneurship, and seeks to support women’s economic empowerment.


JEDDI Seminar: Consumer & Societal Wellbeing

Date: March 1, 2024, from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PST

Location: Online

Description: Learn how to help improve consumer’s financial, health, and food decisions, particularly among vulnerable populations at this JEDDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Decolonization, and Inclusion) seminar.

Wilderness, Wildlife & Human Interaction

Date: March 2, 2024, from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM MST

Location: Bragg Creek Community Centre, Bragg Creek, Alberta 

Description: At this “Wilderness, Wildlife and Human Interaction”-themed symposium, explore new perspectives surrounding wildlife preservation, domestic and wild landscape management, conservation past and present, alternative energy, new technology, and more, and uncover creative methods toward achieving a healthier and more sustainable planet. 

Women Inspire-2024 (Celebrating Women in Business & Leadership)

Date: March 6, 2024, from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST

Location: East Water Front- Ball Room, Toronto, Ontario

Description: In honour of International Women’s Day, this forum provides a platform to showcase lessons from Canada’s inspiring business women, including lessons learned and best practices. The event will include networking and debates to help cultivate new partners, relationships, and markets for business growth.

Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) 101

Date: March 13, 2024, from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM PDT

Location: Online

Description: This workshop provides an introduction and overview of Alberta’s Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) government service. Caregivers will gain an understanding of the program and service provision options.

Champions Retreat 2024: Restore

Date: March 18 – 22, 2024

Location: Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia

Description: Join members of the B Corp movement at this inspirational event, designed to connect and mobilize values-aligned people from Canada and the US who are using business as a force for good. This year’s theme, “Restore,” will engage attendees on a journey toward collective and personal restoration while examining the power of healing in community.

Global Conference on Girl Child Empowerment (GCGCE 2024)

Date: March 23 – 25, 2024

Location: Woodbine Banquet and Convention Hall, Toronto, Ontario

Description: Convened by The Amara Girls Initiative (TAGI), this conference will unite over 400 delegates from around the world and all walks of life to inspire women and girls and promote general equality. This year’s theme will focus on how empowering girls and investing in their education and health will lead to a better future for everyone.

Source to Stream 2024

Date: March 26 – 27, 2024

Location: Pearson Convention Centre, East Brampton, Ontario

Description: This event, organized by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) in association with Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) and Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority (LSRCA), through the Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP), will showcase the work of leading industry experts, influencers, and researchers who are shaping a low-impact future for stormwater management, erosion and sediment control, and stream restoration.

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Events Impact Inspiration & Initiatives

Key Takeaways from the Summit on Responsible Investment

Sparx has been a trusted partner of the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) since 2014, so we’re no stranger to providing our market services and offering event support to this rapidly growing exchange. That’s why when the CSE envisioned hosting a socially responsible investing (SRI) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) event, we were all in to collaborate and contribute our sustainability expertise.

Back in June, the CSE’s vision became reality. Companies listed on the CSE, investors, purpose-driven organizations, and sustainability experts travelled to Kelowna for the Summit on Responsible Investment. The result? An eye-opening day packed with insights, discussions, and professionals excited about positive change.

Looking back on this event fills us with hope that more companies will get on board with ESG, more investors will engage with impact investing, and more people will take action and use capital as a force for good. To help spread our hope and raise awareness, we’re recapping the event and sharing our takeaways.

Keep scrolling for our event highlights, including attendees we connected with and insights we gained, takeaways from Dr. Victoria Hurth’s keynote and the Make The World Better Panel, and the action attendees took to make a tangible impact on the community.

Connecting With an Enthusiastic Crowd

To reduce our carbon footprint, Sparx team members carpooled to the Kelowna Innovation Centre for this groundbreaking socially responsible investing and ESG investing event. The venue was modern and spacious, with an atrium for the purpose-driven exhibitors and a space for mingling and coffee breaks. Sessions were held in the theatre room from 9:00 AM–5:00 PM and live-streamed in the atrium. We also had the pleasure of enjoying a beautiful view of Okanagan Lake over networking and cocktails on the roof. Plus, there were some great sustainable touches, including seed paper bracelets for attendees and efforts to minimize waste, which we hope to expand on in future iterations of the event.

We were excited to meet with a variety of folks, including investors, representatives from purpose-driven companies, speakers and leaders in the responsible investment space, and other individuals interested in impact investing and positive change. In total, we welcomed around 100 attendees, consisting of both locals and guests from outside of the Okanagan region.

The attendees displayed an impressive amount of enthusiasm, with a real energy and eagerness to learn which held strong from start to finish. We felt this in the conversations we had, including our chat with Angela Nagy, President & CEO of GreenStep Solutions, about the growing demand for corporate accountability and responsible services and solutions in the past few years. Everyone was constantly torn between wanting to talk in the lobby and getting to the next panel to hear what the presenters had to say.

And there certainly was a lot to learn. The schedule was packed with insightful panels, company spotlights, and presentations. During the Placing Capital Responsibly panel, for example, we learned from Sandeep Gupta, Co-Founder & CTO of Pyfera Growth Capital that “a hundred companies account for 70% of the world’s emissions.” This significant figure stuck with us and was referred to by other panelists throughout the day.

The day’s events were brightened by some extra sparks as well. Our President and Founder, Hamish Khamisa, joined Anna Serin, the CSE’s Director of Listings Development for Western Canada and US and Vancouver Branch Lead, on stage to give the opening remarks, and we had a few other chances to play an active part in the day’s events.

Moving Toward the Purpose-Led Economy

Sparx was exceptionally proud to invite and learn from Dr. Victoria Hurth, global expert; thought leader in sustainability, ESG, and purpose governance; and Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership Fellow, who kicked off the event with her compelling keynote presentation “The Purpose Led Economy.”

Dr. Hurth discussed the dangerous trajectory we are hurtling toward — that of a command and control system, which would replace our market economy. We must act quickly and in the right way to prevent this and to transform our economy into one focused on wellbeing for all, which is the definition of sustainability. 

To move toward a purpose-led economy that would result in wellbeing for all, there are some important considerations, according to Dr. Hurth. “If we want to bring about a purpose-driven wellbeing economy serviced by purpose-driven organizations and unleashing meaningful work and meaningful lives, then we need to govern it.”

Within finance organizations and purpose-driven companies, governance sets the frame, direction, and parameters for decision-making. The PAS 808:2022, a framework and guide for purpose-driven organizations in which Dr. Hurth served as an expert facilitator and technical author, is an extremely helpful tool for ensuring good governance.

Along with governance, Dr. Hurth sees marketing as a key factor in building toward a purpose-led economy and presented a modified Daly Triangle to demonstrate her points. Her presentation got the room thinking and set the tone for the day.

Doing Good and Being Profitable

In the afternoon, following a company presentation from Susgrainable, we had the honour of hosting and moderating our Make The World Better panel. Changemakers from different editions of Make The World Better Magazine, Mike Williamson, Founding Partner and CEO at Cascadia Seaweed; Bram van den Berg, COO and CFO at Circular Rubber Technologies; Tracy Lydiatt, Mining Innovation Project Manager at Foresight Canada; and Sage Lacerte, Founder & CEO at Sage Initiative, joined us as panelists to provide insights into regenerative business.

A key point was that sustainability is the bare minimum we should aim for and that regenerative business should be the end goal. Regenerative businesses examine existing problems and come up with better solutions, including the implementation of circular economy strategies. However, getting investors, regulatory bodies, users, and consumers in the loop requires an education process. We can successfully bridge this gap by speaking with them in terms they understand and relating regenerative solutions back to an existing solution, which will show them the value of the regenerative solution and prove why it’s better.

Partnerships with Indigenous Peoples was another important discussion point. Mike Williamson pointed out that we need to avoid pan-Indigenizing since all the Nations are sovereign communities with their own values, interests, and ways of doing business. Trying to one-size-fits-all or coming to the table with your own solutions in mind will lead to a disconnect with the Indigenous community you’re seeking a partnership with and set you up for failure. Let the Indigenous communities guide you, have conversations, listen, and focus on learning so that you build toward business alignment and values alignment. Keep in mind that growing in understanding and establishing these relationships can take a very long time, even many years, and can’t be achieved without mutual respect and dialogue.

When approaching partnerships with Indigenous Peoples, as Sage Lacerte pointed out, it’s important to be aware that many have money trauma. The Indian Act and Western concepts of commerce have caused a lot of harm since they work to disenfranchise Indigenous people from existing economic systems. Anyone in the corporate sector needs to be trauma-informed and aware of the historical and contemporary contexts that Indigenous entrepreneurs face daily. Lacerte offers advice on how to make Indigenous people safe when entering into conversation, including: 

  • being gentle when entering relationships;
  • setting and following an agenda;
  • offering content warnings;
  • ensuring they have their people in the room with them; and
  • having circle-based conversations where everyone gets the chance to speak, be represented, and have their boundaries respected.

The panelists then discussed what investors are looking for when dealing with regenerative businesses and innovators, along with the importance of having a good team and competitive advantage, knowing the market size, being profitable, conducting business in a way that is responsible on social, environmental, and governance levels, having traction, and sincerely believing in the social and environmental benefits you bring. 

Lastly, all the panelists weighed in on the thunder question: can you do good and make money? The response was a resounding yes. Tracy Lydiatt supported this by providing examples of companies that are living this reality (Patagonia, Bureo, and FLOR), and Sage Lacerte taught us that, “money can be restoried as medicine, as time and energy, and the way that we breathe life into things that we love.”

The Intersection of Capital and ESG

Everyone at the event was geared up about using finance as a force for good and demonstrated that energy, time, and love exist at the intersection of capital and ESG. With all that enthusiasm in the room and the incredible synergies between attendees and speakers, it was clear they found it valuable to be at the Summit on Responsible Investment.

During the Make The World Better panel, Sage Lacerte drew attention to the value of purpose-driven events like this one when she emphasized the importance of having conversations and creating new ways to support equity-deserving communities, building frameworks and models, and sharing the resources we have so that impact spreads far and wide.

We could really see and feel everyone’s excitement over having these types of conversations and opportunities to learn about and from each other. Connections were made easily and it felt like everyone showed up in good faith to talk about ways companies can make money and truly make the world better at the same time. We even saw collaborations forming on the spot, mid-conversation, and received many introduction requests post-event, which shows us that we brought the right crowd together.

And, to further prove how money can be restoried as medicine and a catalyst for good, event attendees raised over $6,000 for the Central Okanagan Food Bank. Since the suggested donation amount for entry was $10 and the minimum amount to be eligible for a tax receipt was $20, this staggering amount shows how invested these professionals are in using capital as a force for good and voting with their dollar.

Let’s Keep the Impact Growing

Immediately following the event, attendees, speakers, and other individuals showed a lot of interest in having a Summit on Responsible Investment 2024. It’s official — the event is coming back next year! We look forward to connecting and collaborating with this inspiring group once again.

If you’re part of an organization that’s contributing to a better world, we’d love to collaborate with you too. Reach out to us for a free consultation. Together, let’s work together to amplify your impact.

Events Impact Inspiration & Initiatives

Key Takeaways from the Canadian Circular Economy Summit

With the Zero Waste Conference in the rearview mirror, the Sparx team is reflecting on another event we attended this year:  the Canadian Circular Economy Summit 2023, hosted by Circular Economy Leadership Canada and Circular Innovation Council.

Back in June, we went on a purpose-driven event circuit, and the Canadian Circular Economy Summit was an important stop. We learned a lot from expert speakers and connected with so many people from a variety of backgrounds, all of whom are passionate about protecting the planet. 

Keep scrolling for our impressions and takeaways, including what the event space was like, circular economy insights and models that could help drive action, and the critical need to increase awareness through the right messaging.

Connecting With Sustainability Champions

Located  in bustling downtown Toronto, close to the waterfront, the Toronto Board of Trade Offices provided a beautiful setting for the Canadian Circularity Summit. With opening and closing notes held in the main auditorium, the use of multiple rooms for different sessions, and an open-air rooftop reception surrounded by the lights of the city, the organizers made the most of the space. Having snacks available at all times was another nice bonus. And, naturally, there was a real emphasis on walking the circular economy talk, with reusable dishes, utensils, and name tags; no physical swag; and minimal magazine distribution.

What was really encouraging was just how full the event space was. At least 500 folks from different backgrounds but with similar goals gathered together to learn, synergize, and track down opportunities to collaborate. We got to meet many people in the B2B, B2C, government, and education spaces, and we were delighted to see that both the speakers and attendees were diverse.

Something else that excited us was having the chance to share Make The World Better Magazine with such a wide range of like-minded people. Along with a stand with a QR code that could be scanned for a digital version of the magazine, we brought print copies along. By the end of day one, all 50 copies were gone! 

Fresh Perspectives and Models for Action

We learned a lot from the enlightening sessions we attended and meaningful conversations we had throughout the two-day event. It was exciting to hear from such insightful speakers, including Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change, and to catch success stories and innovative company presentations, like Collaskins.

Something that really struck us was the focus on using the event as a way to move the needle on circularity by having everyone contribute toward the development of a National Circular Economy Action Plan for Canada. Leading up to the event, a 10-point framework was created, which was used to guide event flow by keeping discussions action-oriented.

The 10 points in the framework are:

  1. Develop a shared roadmap and collaboration platform for a net-zero, climate-smart, circular future.
  2. Align and link CE and climate/biodiversity research, knowledge dissemination, and awareness.
  3. Better understand and integrate performance indicators, reporting tools, and standards.
  4. Transition markets and promote circular culture in support of climate-smart, circular businesses.
  5. Inspire and invest in place-based innovation to create regenerative local economies and resilient, inclusive communities.
  6. Design programs, policy, regulation, and procurement as innovative transition enablers.
  7. Create low-carbon, circular, waste-to-value opportunities across key sectors and supply chains.
  8. Mobilize and deploy climate-smart, circular funding and financing.
  9. Centre Indigenous leadership, engagement, and traditional knowledge.
  10. Strengthen the connection between CE and social benefits, including applying an equity lens.

During workshops and presentations, the Action Plan was a central topic, and delegates were given the opportunity to share their thoughts on what steps should be taken to bring it to fruition.

Another session that stood out was “Circular Design Principles: From Concept to Practice,” where Rosemary Cooper, Project Director of Share Reuse Repair Initiative, presented the Stuff in Flux 2 Playbook, which offers four global opportunities with mass market potential: Useful Stuff, Joyful Stuff, Stuff Connected to Nature, and Flowing Stuff (stuff moving in a flow in efficient ways). The Useful Stuff category was highlighted as an emerging market of customers who want products that are useful, have longer lifespans, and are made from quality products that can be repaired more easily. In general, as perspectives on “stuff” shift globally, new opportunities for circular innovations are arising.

On day two, Ken Webster’s keynote also provided an interesting perspective — one that takes on a systems-level view of the circular economy — along with different ideas that could facilitate a path to circular economy uptake. He discussed ascribing value to the natural resources we extract, such as gold and oil, and creating a CO2 fee and “climate dividend” in order to build a fair, effective, and sustainable climate policy. He also pitched a “Material-as-a-Service” model that would incentivize reuse, with a complete supply chain that generates a continuous revenue stream for a region where a material is mined. 

The Critical Need for Circular Economy Communications

Throughout the Summit, it became clear that lack of awareness is a real obstacle to circular economy adoption. To solve this, it’s critically important that we educate people on the circular economy and how zero-waste initiatives can fit into their lives.

The “Mainstreaming Circular Culture: The Need and the Opportunity” breakout session spoke to this issue and the need to align the right message to the right audience, which is what marketers already inherently do. 

An important challenge was brought forth: going beyond the people who are considered “eco-niche” and already interested in being more sustainable. To address this, Rosemary Cooper presented the SHIFT model (Social Influence; Habit Formation; Individual Self; Feelings and Cognition; Tangibility). The purpose of this model is to turn intention into action by going beyond guesswork through understanding your audience’s behaviour drivers and designing tailored messaging, and going beyond the eco-niche through appealing to a broader audience. 

During this session, OneEarth Living‘s Dr. Vanessa Timmer, Executive Director, and Dagmar Timmer, Managing Director of Strategic Initiatives, discussed the “throw away” model and the origins of this culture: 1950s marketing. If marketing was powerful enough to create this culture, it has the power to rewrite the narrative and cultivate a sustainability-centred culture.

Additionally, if we look through a motivation lens, by designing communications that appeal to everyone, we can raise awareness and attract a wider audience based on shared motivations. Creating messaging and stories around specific issues can help build toward this.

With the right messaging, we can inspire demand for change and increase demand for zerowaste goods and services, which is the first step toward large-scale innovations and policy developments that advance sustainability. The goal is to enable the circular economy to be the “default” — by making it the easiest and most convenient option.

Outside of this session, the conversations we had with attendees supported the sentiment that there’s not enough circular economy awareness in Canada and the world, with many people unaware of its existence. This tells us that marketing efforts in this space should be focused on educational content and storytelling more than traditional techniques. By educating, presenting data, and landing on the right messaging, advocacy and marketing can help change consumer and business behaviour.

In light of this critical need for communications and attendee interest, we hosted an Open Space Marketplace session during the Summit on the importance of marketing in creating demand for circular economy solutions. We were able to help many professionals in the field figure out the path forward for advancing their mission.

Create Demand for Circular Economy Solutions With Sparx

While the room was full of like-minded and passionate individuals, it’s apparent that most of the population is not aware of the circular economy. There’s a real opportunity for us to work together to move the needle by educating consumers and businesses to create demand.
Are you looking to reach Canadians with your circular economy story? We can help you find the right path for advancing your mission. Contact us for a free marketing consultation.

Make The World Better Magazine Purpose-Driven Marketing Tips

25+ Resources That Will Amplify Your Efforts to Make the World Better

Everyone has a part to play in making the world better. Whether you’re looking to influence positive change through social media, make a difference at your workplace, and/or support or advocate for a cause, or you’re looking for ways to make meaningful changes in your everyday life, these resources will help amplify your own efforts or those of others doing good.

Resources From Organizations Featured in Make the World Better Magazine

Check out these resources and supplementary content from individuals and organizations featured in this issue of Make The World Better Magazine.

Asparagus Magazine – Submission Guidelines: Apply to share your purpose-driven stories about individuals and organizations working to make the world better, sustainable living tips, and environmental and social justice. Underrepresented voices are a priority and both aspiring and established writers are encouraged to apply.

Brown Girl Green – Green Jobs Board: Looking for a job where you can actively help make the world better? Or perhaps you’re an employer looking to find someone with a real passion for purpose? Check out Brown Girl Green’s Green Jobs Board to find and submit jobs in policy, tourism, education, media, and more.

David Suzuki Foundation – Building Bridges for Climate Action: Engagement Strategies for Millennials: Amplify your environmental advocacy efforts with this guide, designed to help increase your understanding of how millennials engage with climate change so you can create effective engagement strategies.

David Suzuki Foundation – Community Engagement Toolkit: Grow your environmental initiatives and personal impact with this dual-language toolkit, filled with ideas for collective and individual action, steps for getting started, and networks, resources, and tools for every step of your journey.

Intersectional Environmentalist’s Leah Thomas – The Intersectional Environmentalist: How To Dismantle Systems of Oppression To Protect People and Planet: Dive into this novel by Leah Thomas, Founder and Values Officer of Intersectional Environmentalist, to learn more about the link between environmental justice and civil rights, and discover actionable strategies for protecting people and planet.

Intersectional Environmentalist – Reimagining Food Justice and Food Sovereignty Toolkit: With this digital toolkit, increase your understanding of food justice and food sovereignty, and discover steps for taking action, including ways to amplify community-based initiatives.

Love Food Hate Waste Canada – Tips Board: Promote efforts to eliminate food waste by sharing food-saving tips and stories, or visit the board for actionable recipes and advice to make positive changes in your kitchen.

Not My Problem – Sustainable Brand Database: Naman Bajaj provides paid Not My Problem subscribers with a Sustainable Brand Database they can use to find brands across the globe and across a range of industries, from cleaning products to apparel and more, that have verifiable sustainable practices. A seven-day trial is available.

RIPPLE of CHANGE – Contribution Form: Share your impact story or help amplify organizations and initiatives with RIPPLE of CHANGE’s (ROC) nomination form. On this page, you can also answer ROC’s call for writers.

RIPPLE of CHANGE – Start a Ripple: Learn how you can start your own ripple of positive change with actionable lists across multiple categories, including activism, education, health, identity, and land, as well as recommended books that will help you take your purpose-driven journey to the next level.

Sage Initiative – Application Form: Apply to join the third Sage Initiative as a participant, sponsor, or mentor to learn more about impact investing, fund some good, and support Indigenous womxn.

Squirrel News – Podcast: Tune in to the Squirrel News podcast, hosted by Founder Jonathan Widder and Ed Crasnick, an Emmy-winning writer and comic from Los Angeles, to discover solutions for positive change and get inspired by guests who are making the world better.

Sustainability Advantage – 7 Ways Companies Can Contribute to the SDGs: Learn how your company can help advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and amplify collective efforts toward the goals.

Sustainability Advantage – Master Slide Decks: Bob Willard, Founder of Sustainability Advantage, has over 900 slides for subscribers to use and tailor for their purposes, saving them time and resources. Enjoy in-depth content on sustainability in the business community, including frameworks, business cases, and more. 

Resources From Other Changemakers

ACE Hot Talks – Climate Influencers at COP26 With Kristy Drutman aka Brown Girl Green: Kristy Drutman, Founder of Brown Girl Green, joined Action for Climate Emergency’s Indy Howeth to share insights into how young people can use their creativity to help progress the climate movement on social media.

Amplify Good Podcast: Hosted by Aria Camaione-Lind, this inspiring podcast series shares stories of changemakers who are bringing their values to their work and driving positive change in their communities.

Arielle V. King’s – Environmental/Climate Justice and Liberation-Related Resource Recommendations: Arielle V. King, host of season one of Intersectional Environmentalist’s the Joy Report Podcast and Director of Programming for Black Girl Environmentalist, shares an extensive list of resources to help amplify environmental justice efforts.

Eco Ally – The Ultimate Guide to Killing It as a Sustainability Influencer: This comprehensive, eight-step guide provides sustainability influencers and aspiring influencers with detailed tips on how to make a real impact. 

Good Good Good – 37 Ways To Make a Difference in the World: Good Good Good’s guide offers 37 actionable ways individuals can help make the world better, from protecting the environment to using the internet to amplify good.

Giving Tuesday – Social Media Toolkit: Giving Tuesday happens every November. Learn how you can join this movement through your social media channels and spread some good.

Greater Good Charities – Get Involved: Amplify your mission to help people and planet with this resource from Greater Good Charities, which you can use to start a fundraiser, build a fundraising page, and launch a Facebook fundraiser. 

Influencer Intelligence – How to Work With Influencers for Purpose-Driven Marketing Report: Discover best practices for teaming up with an influencer to amplify your purpose-driven business with this downloadable report from Influencer Intelligence. 

National Screen Institute’s TikTok Accelerator for Indigenous Creators: Indigenous influencers and Indigenous-owned small businesses can join this free accelerator to grow their community on TikTok, learn how to collaborate with brands, and learn skills and tools to make content creation a career.

Sparx PG’s Resources 

3 TED Talks to Inspire You to Make the World Better: Spark your inspiration with three talks that provide tips for remarkable storytelling, expanding your mission, and spreading good in the community.

How Companies Can Harness the Power of Technology and Social Media to do Good: Discover actionable ways your purpose-driven organization can amplify impact online.

How to Avoid “Rainbow-Washing” During Pride Month: Learn how to genuinely amplify 2SLGBTQIA+ voices and support the community during Pride Month and beyond.

Amplify Your Purpose-Driven Story with Sparx
We would love to increase support and awareness around the good your purpose-driven organization is doing. Want to team up? Give us a shout for a free consultation. Together, we can amplify your impact.

Impact Inspiration & Initiatives Work Life & Culture

Together, We Can Make The World Better

Every year, Sparx hosts our internal purpose-driven event, Make The World Better Day, where we set aside our usual workflows to focus on a day dedicated to doing good. And 2023’s MTWB Day was one for the books!

We had an X-traordinary time gathering together in-person and virtually to enjoy meaningful team building over delicious food and our shared mission to make the world better.

Read on to find out what we did and what we learned, including our impact-focused keynote presentation, the action we took together toward reconciliation in honour of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, our hackathon, and a Sparx-hosted shoreline cleanup.

An Impact-Focused Keynote

We kicked off the day with a keynote presentation that included a Make The World Better Magazine impact report and a look at the progress we made toward our 2022–2023 goals.

Our impact report covered how many changemakers we’ve featured since launching the magazine in 2021 (forty-three!), along with insights into the magazine, such as reads and impressions, social media performance, and testimonials and feedback, to validate the work we’re doing and help us improve the magazine for readers in the future.

We also took an in-depth look at impact beyond the pages of the magazine, including the Make The World Better Panel at the Canadian Securities Exchange’s Summit On Responsible Investment, our purpose-driven event participation, third-party validations, and community-building activities. 

As well, since we’ve now completed the United Way British Columbia’s Social Purpose Innovators Program, our social purpose statement was unveiled to the team. Stay tuned for our public reveal, which is coming soon!

Following this, we discussed our goals for the rest of 2023 and 2024. Spoiler alert: they revolve around the power of community! We then closed off the presentation with an inspiring speech from Sparx’s Founder and President, Hamish Khamisa.

Taking Action Toward Reconciliation

Driven to make progress on our reconciliation journey, the Sparx team joined the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation’s (NCTR) Taking Action Towards Reconciliation webinar, hosted by Brenda Gunn, Academic and Research Director at NCTR, with special guests Jimmy Durocher, Chairperson of the Île-à-la-Crosse Residential School Committee, Veteran of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Board Member of the Gabriel Dumont Institute, and former President of the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan, and current President of the Métis local in Île-à-la-Crosse; and Dale LeClair, Director of Indigenous and Northern Affairs at Canada Post.

The webinar stressed how important it is that all Canadians learn the truth about residential schools and how they’ve impacted both the country and communities at the local level, that reconciliation will be meaningless if we don’t have the conviction to do something about it, and to really listen to Survivors, have communication with Indigenous communities, and teach our children about what happened.

It was surprising and frustrating to learn that many residential, boarding, and day schools are unrecognized, including Île-à-la-Crosse Residential School in Île-à-la-Crosse, Saskatchewan, which Jimmy Durocher is working hard to get legally recognized. The fact that there are unrecognized schools shows that we all have to do our part to educate ourselves and those around us.

As an example of how to educate others and take action towards reconciliation, Canada Post’s annual Truth and Reconciliation stamp series was spotlighted. This year’s series features archival photographs of residential schools in different parts of Canada, with the hope of raising awareness and sparking conversations and collaborations. The stamps are made in collaboration with Survivors.

Jimmy Durocher reminded us that all Survivors handle their experiences of abuse differently. Some may not be ready to tell their stories and some may never be. As Brenda Gunn said, we all need to share the information about what happened, but Survivor’s stories are personal. If a Survivor shares their story with us, it doesn’t mean we have the right to tell it to someone else. And, if you invite a Survivor to come tell their story, you need health supports in place before, during, and after.

At the end of the day, it’s all about being human, being kind to one another, understanding each other, apologizing, and building positive relationships. It’s about telling the truth of what happened and becoming part of the story that needs to be told.  

To wrap up the webinar, NCTR shared resources, including “Six Actions of ReconciliACTION,” which you can find here

Building a New Resource

After the webinar, the Sparx team joined forces for an impact-driven hackathon. We divided up tasks and got to work on two projects: our upcoming impact report and a brand new purpose-driven resource.

Putting our heads down, we made tremendous progress in just two hours. While our new resource (hint: a website you’ll want to check on regularly!) is not up and running just yet, we were able to lay the bricks and build a solid foundation.

We look forward to getting our projects up and running soon. Our guiding principle for our purpose-driven resource was to create something we’d use for ourselves that meets our needs. That’s why we’re certain it’ll be a useful tool for the whole community.

More news on our impact report and our new resource will be forthcoming, so keep your eyes on the Sparx site and get ready for them to ignite! 

Cleaning up the Shoreline

To wrap up Make The World Better Day, we put away our laptops and got out our trash grabbers. Sparx headed to False Creek to help clean up Vancouver’s shoreline. 

Our team was joined by five external volunteers to dedicate an hour to protectinging our planet. Together, we travelled down four blocks and prevented five large-garbage-bags-worth of trash from entering our oceans. In total, we picked up 312 pieces of trash, including 143 cigarette butts, 48 pieces of paper, 43 candy wrappers, and 31 pieces of plastic.

Thanks to the purpose-driven champions who joined us! With your help, we made a real difference in our community. We hope to host more meet-ups like this one in the future!

Together, We Can Make The World Better

Every year, the Sparx team gets excited for Make The World Better Day, and each year, we strive to make a greater impact. Your purpose-driven organization can unite internally or externally to help make an impact too. We hope you’ll create your own events that help make the world better, and if you do, we’d love to hear about it! 

If you’re a purpose-driven organization with a story to share or initiatives changemakers can get behind, reach out to Sparx for a free consultation. We’d love to help amplify your impact.

Make The World Better Magazine

Make The World Better Magazine is on Patreon!

Sparx’s publication, Make The World Better (MTWB) Magazine amplifies good by sharing the incredible stories of individuals and organizations driving positive impact in their communities. 

With purpose embedded in everything we do, our small and dedicated team of experts wants to continue spreading good to an ever-growing audience. To help achieve this, Sparx has created a new way for readers to digitally access and support the magazine: our Make The World Better Magazine Patreon page.

Keep scrolling to find out all the details, including why we chose Patreon, how it benefits MTWB Magazine, and our goal of building a purpose-driven community.

Why We Chose Patreon for Our Growth Efforts

When we decided to expand our reach, we began by researching possibilities for growing Make The World Better Magazine, including different print and digital distribution channels. Reviewing our findings, we landed on providing a fresh digital access point for readers, with the benefit of improving online discoverability. 

Along with offering a different user experience for engaging with Make The World Better content, we wanted to provide a concrete way for people to support our magazine production. And we determined that using an established platform would enable us to focus on making content rather than on technical infrastructure.

With its simple and easy-to-navigate interface, sleek design, and focus on creativity and community, Patreon immediately caught our attention. We were excited to start exploring the support resources and to engage with the vibrant community of creators who call Patreon home. 

Our Patreon has opened up new realms of versatility for us. We can now start crafting and sharing mission-aligned, dynamic content that goes beyond the pages of Make The World Better Magazine. Plus, we can curate content to the interests of the MTWB community, depending on their level of interest in the magazine and mission.

How Readers Can Support Make The World Better Magazine

Thanks to our Patreon page, there are plenty of new ways to support Make The World Better Magazine. By offering monthly monetary support, users can help pay for print and distribution costs so we can share our magazine in more places and at more events, cover internal labour costs, and make progress toward our goal of hosting mission-aligned events. 

Most importantly, supporting the magazine means contributing toward our mission of amplifying good. User support will help raise awareness around and spread the word about featured changemakers and the work they’re doing to advance important causes.

To allow flexibility when it comes to support amounts, we plan to offer support tiers with varying rewards. Right now, we’re starting from a general tier, but we envision having additional opportunities for more active and passionate members to shape and contribute to the direction of our content. 

Of course, there are plenty of other ways the community can support MTWB Magazine. Word of mouth is a powerful way to gain awareness and readership. And sharing links to our Patreon page on social media is a great way to help us grow and gain support.

What Building a Purpose-Driven Community Means to Us

Our main goal is to form a purpose-driven community around Make The World Better Magazine on Patreon. A community of folks who want to leave the world better than how they found it. Who really believe in our mission and want to spark meaningful conversations, see impact flourish, and ignite positive change in their communities and around the world. 

We’re excited to use this space to grow and connect with this like-minded community, share extended resources, and make a larger impact.

Let’s Work Together to Make The World Better

Join us in our mission! Check out our Patreon page here to become part of the Make The World Better community. 

And, if you’re a purpose-driven organization with an impact story to share, contact us for a free consultation. Together, we can help amplify your efforts and build a brighter future for all.

Events Impact Inspiration & Initiatives

Key Takeaways from the Social Finance Forum 2023

Sparx has always believed that capital can be used as a force for good. Because of our origins in the financial industry and the expertise of Hamish Khamisa, our President and Founder, we have a real appetite for all things finance — especially when it comes to purpose.

In June 2023, we ventured to Toronto to attend the Social Finance Forum 2023, a hybrid event presented by Future of Good and SVX, which featured sessions on the state of social finance in Canada, climate finance, and the need for diversity and representation at the decision-making level.

Keep scrolling for our takeaways and key learnings, including changemakers who were present, challenges associated with the rising need for social finance, and re-imagining power in the social finance space. 

Connecting with Social Finance Changemakers

Sparx was excited to travel to the Social Finance Forum at the George Brown College Waterfront Campus in Toronto to connect with and learn from professionals in the impact finance space while enjoying a stunning view of Lake Ontario. 

Combining the use of a large auditorium for the main stage and multiple lecture halls, the event organizers made it possible for different sessions to happen simultaneously. It was pleasant to stroll through the venue and catch different presentations and discussions, all of which were live-streamed for anyone dropping in virtually. 

We were excited to catch insights from changemakers and experts in the impact finance space, including Diane Bérard, journalist and Social Finance Fellow at Future of Good; Chelsey MacNeil, President of Common Good Solutions; Christine Bergeron, former CEO of Vancity; Jillisa Brown, Executive Director of Table of Impact Investment Practitioners (TIIP); Jory Cohen, Director of Finance and Impact Investment at Inspirit Foundation; Ryan Turnbull, Member of Parliament in Whitby and Founder and President of Eco-Ethonomics; and Sage Lacerte, Founder & CEO of Sage Initiative.

We had an incredible time learning how these professionals are using capital to benefit communities across Canada And snack breaks between sessions gave us plenty of time to mingle with the attendees, who were all open to networking. It was an awesome opportunity to make new mission-aligned connections.

The Rising Need for Social Finance 

One key point that emerged during the event was that social finance has gone from a “nice to do” to a “must do.” 

The crises we have faced over the past few years, such as housing insecurity and predatory debt, have exposed an ever-increasing need for social finance in Canada and around the world. In light of this, Canada’s new Social Finance Fund, a $755 million initiative that seeks to accelerate the growth of Canada’s social finance market, became a major talking point during the two-day forum.

Many innovative solutions were also spotlighted during the event. Two that stood out included refinancing for predatory debt (aka payday loans) through the DUCA Impact Lab and community bonds that protect social and economic diversity in neighbourhoods and preserve housing affordability, such as the  Kensington Land Trust. These innovations are examples of how private businesses and civil society groups can use social finance as a force for positive change.

Encouragingly, the injection of cash into the social finance sector and the positive track record of initial social finance projects strongly support the belief in the need for social finance and recognition of its tremendous value. Factors like these will also help the space grow.

However, there are some challenges that need to be addressed in order to maximize impact. For example, engaging with everyone across this land we call Canada comes with certain difficulties. Typically, urban centres have more infrastructure and greater concentrations of diverse communities, while remote and rural communities have different demographics and geographical constraints. Finding ways to be inclusive and make an impact across all these settings will require time and thoughtful consideration of the contexts in which the outreach efforts take place. 

As explained by Sage Lacerte, there is an increase in business values that are aligned with Indigenous worldviews and Indigenous equity seekers. Yet, there are not as many opportunities from Indigenous equity providers, which poses another challenge to the reach and impact of the space.

The threat of the growing anti-ESG narrative in the US was another hotly-discussed topic, as it could slow down impact investing and direct cash flow away from much-needed investments toward solving today’s biggest social crises.

These challenges highlight the importance of cultivating the demand for social finance so that we can properly address the needs facing our communities.

Representation and Re-Imagining 

Despite the aforementioned obstacles and challenges, social finance continues to act as a catalyst for possibility. However, a major power shift is needed in order to achieve true impact investing. 

Often, BIPOC entrepreneurs are challenged with being the only diverse people in the room and having to advocate for the whole community. In order to bridge this gap and give everyone a seat at the table, diversity and representation need to be implemented at the decision-making level, not just the investment-seeking level. 

We also need to focus on decolonizing the finance space and re-imagining access. Giving fair access and helping historically-excluded communities get access to capital is how we start to broaden the impact of social finance and make a real difference.

It’s also critical that we re-imagine how we view finance, beginning with changing how we think about returns. After all, the goal should not be to maximize returns but to maximize impact. The focus needs to be on collaboration, rather than competition. “Winning” in this space is not the point.

While there is movement toward equity-deserving groups and steps are being taken to be more inclusive, there’s still work to be done. The Re-Imagine Power Session was about shifting power from stereotypical demographics in finance to groups who need to be given a voice in the space. Unfortunately, three men on the panel frequently interrupted the female speakers, proving their point that diverse voices need to be heard in an ignorant and ironic way. This led to a wave of backlash, with viewers asking to hear more from the women.

Make a Difference with the Right Messaging

Perhaps our biggest takeaway from the Social Finance Forum was that the more we educate and create awareness about social finance, the higher the demand will be for it. This event and the kind of communications work that we do is a step in the right direction.

Want awareness around your purpose-driven work to grow? The experts at Sparx can make your impact story shine. Contact us for a free marketing consultation.

Make The World Better Magazine

Meaningful Access Consulting: Equitable Inclusion for All

When spaces are inaccessible and, therefore, exclusionary, it has a deep and profound impact on those affected. Yet rather than truly understanding its widespread effects, accessibility is often not given the level of consideration and implementation needed to make the places where we live, play, and work truly inclusive for everyone.

Meaningful Access Consulting Co-Founders, Marco & Karin Pasqua.

We spoke with Karin Pasqua, Co-Founder and Accessibility & Universal Design Consultant at Meaningful Access Consulting, about how Meaningful Access Consulting is shifting perspectives, transforming inaccessible spaces, and empowering everyone to have equitable access and participation. 

Tell us about Meaningful Access Consulting’s mission.

Meaningful Access Consulting is an accessibility and universal design consulting firm that believes everyone should have the opportunity to participate in every aspect of community life regardless of their ability or disability. We work with developers, cities, businesses, and not-for-profits to help ensure that their locations are not only accessible but functional and beautiful.

What inspired you to start Meaningful Access Consulting?

Marco, my husband and Co-Founder of Meaningful Access Consulting, is a wheelchair user and is directly impacted by inaccessible spaces, and my mind works like a cross between an occupational therapist and an engineer. Together, we love solving complex accessibility problems and turning barriers into thoughtful solutions. Being accessibility consultants helps us create a lasting impact not just for those with disabilities, but for our communities as a whole, including seniors, children, people with temporary disabilities, and those of us who just need a bit of extra assistance for one reason or another.

What were some of the challenges you encountered?

Marco never wanted to be seen as a person with a disability who stood on a soap box and advocated for access. He started out as a game developer but was laid off in 2008 when the recession hit, so he turned his attention to inspirational speaking. It took him a long time to reconcile his lived experience with his professional experience and accept the professional designation of accessibility consultant. Once the company launched and I joined him, the next challenge was to navigate moving from a team of one to a team of two and take into consideration the needs of our “Junior Associate,” our two-year-old daughter, Stella.  

Marco emceeing the 8th Inclusive Employer Awards.

What do you consider Meaningful Access Consulting’s biggest success?

Our biggest success is seeing how our work has changed people’s attitudes. We know that the biggest barrier for most people with disabilities is attitudinal barriers, and shifting mindsets allows people to join us in improving the understanding of what better accessibility means for everyone. 

We have really seen a shift over the last few years in the perception of accessibility and inclusion. It’s no longer “the right thing to do” but rather becoming part of people’s active consideration because of how accessibility impacts people directly — not just for the person who identifies as having a disability but also the senior awaiting knee replacement surgery, the person who’s a new parent and only has one hand free, the avid athlete who was injured last week, or the person needing support with their mental wellness. Accessibility impacts all of us, and we are starting to see that change in attitudes.  

What makes Meaningful Access Consulting unique?

We are a family firm. We are a married couple, one with a visible disability and one without, and we bring our toddler along on many of our assessments and to job sites. We work together extremely well, and our combined experience really lends itself to the work that we do. We firmly believe that you should meet someone where they are at but then not leave them there. We focus on the positive and always provide a roadmap on where a business, organization, or government can take next steps to do even better.  

How do you feel Meaningful Access Consulting makes the world better?

We help change people’s minds and perspectives and really help people understand that accessibility is not only “the right thing to do,” but really impacts all people of all ages, now and in the future. We help our clients understand that everybody needs to belong and participate in their communities. It’s not good enough just to add a ramp to the front of the building or use a service elevator. It’s about equitable access and participation. It’s more than just getting in the door but actually participating in every aspect that we wish to participate in.

Marco demonstrates that universal design benefits everyone by playing with his daughter at the accessible playground at Unwin Park in Surrey, BC.

How would the world be better off if it were more diverse, equitable, and inclusive?

The world is a better place when we are all able to be seen, heard, and participate fully in all aspects of our communities, be it live, work, play, or learn. When we create spaces where we are all welcome, our diverse perspectives can be shared, appreciated, and respected. Every person’s story matters, and every person deserves the opportunity to not only share their story but continue to write new and exciting chapters for themselves. 

Tell us about Meaningful Access Consulting goals.

Our goal is to help shift mindsets by helping businesses, not-for-profits, and government organizations make changes to their employment strategies, built environment, and attitudes to work toward creating a more inclusive and accessible province, country, and planet. 

Are there any upcoming initiatives or projects you’d like to share?

We are currently working with the Province of British Columbia, sitting on a technical subcommittee to help advance accessible employment strategies, as well as on the technical subcommittee for the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification (RHFAC) program. As such, we are helping to inform the Province of Alberta’s Accessibility Legislation engagement project as well as various cities’ Accessibility Strategic Plans, including the Cities of Surrey, Richmond, and Regina. 

We are also very excited to be helping to shape communities around British Columbia, including the new Coronation Park planned community in Port Moody. At any given time, you’ll find us on a construction site, behind a computer reviewing plans, or, in Marco’s case, on stage providing disability awareness training events.  

What do you most want people to know about Meaningful Access Consulting?

We are here to work with you, your design, and your budget. We’re not here to tell you everything you’ve done wrong, rather we enjoy pointing out all of the things you’ve done well – oftentimes, it’s not even things you’ve thought about through the lens of accessibility. 

How can people help or contribute to Meaningful Access Consulting’s mission?

Give us a call or an email! We’d love to help you become more accessible and inclusive to people with disabilities. Be an advocate within your organization and see where there might be barriers or accessibility gaps for your staff and your clients.

This story was featured in the Make The World Better Magazine: